For the final version of your contributions, please consider the following requirements:
Each paper should be supplied with two abstracts:
a) an abstract of 50 words in English, which will be included in the Congress program;
b) an abstract of 150 – 200 words in the same language as the main text of the paper, which will be published in the Book of Abstracts of the Congress. (see also the style sheet of the proceedings)
Papers should be submitted before May 1st, 2016
• full papers: 8-12 pages
• short papers: 6-8 pages
• posters: 4-6 pages
• software demonstrations: 4-6 pages
All submissions should strictly adhere to the stylesheets provided.
You can download the stylesheet for your papers in the congress proceedings here.
Please download also the authorisation for publication within the Congress proceedings, compile it and sign it.
Only the contributions that fully adhere to the stylesheet and that were received within the set deadline will be published in the proceedings.
The Programme committee reserves the right to exclude any contribution from publication on grounds of poor language quality or failure to comply with the reviewers’ suggestions and/or with quality standard.
The final version of the paper and abstracts should be submitted both as .doc or .docx file and as an unprotected PDF file via the Congress e-mail: While submitting the paper, indicate the type of contribution (full paper, short paper, poster, software demo). As a file naming convention please use the following structure: number of the paper, given by the EasyChair; SurnameAuthor1, SurnameAuthor2, first two or three words of the title (do not use more than 2 author names).
Signed authorisation for publication within the proceedings should be also sent via e-mail to